Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Journey to Reiki.... Part 2

For the next 20 something years I read and practiced all I could on the subject of Witchcraft as a true religion. I read every type of book written by American authors and British authors…..I was hungry for information and so I looked for books written before the dawning of the age of Aquarius……I wanted old books, but for the part of the country I was / am in the availability of good, educational, truly informative books was almost nil. Until the internet made it possible for me to search more indepth than ever before.

By now we were over our heads in having to be politically correct and really informative books on Witchcraft were really hard to find… meant paying a premium for out of print books if you wanted the good books…..or you could buy books that were so overwrought with political correctness it would be hard to even do May Day with out being wrong in what you were doing……no longer were there references to working skyclad and many more things that our ancestors did in the name of their religion or to protect their family.

I was an active member of a wiccan …..but again it was all about being politically correct and NOT offending anyone especially a visitor……As I studied the differences between what I had learned of Witchcraft as opposed to Wiccan….I found big differences……and I did not care for those that called themselves Wiccan… was like someone serving you clear spring water and calling it strong ice tea…..never any homage to the horned God, very little mention of the Goddess…..watered down

As I was browsing the bookstores of books on Witchcraft and healing, I ran into a small section on Alternative Healing….this was mostly herbalism and massage…….but as I kept checking back finally I ran into something called Reiki.

At one of the temple celebrations I asked if anyone knew of Reiki and over half of the people attending said they were all attuned to Reiki 1……then I asked why no one had told me of this Reiki as everyone in the temple knew of my search for a way of healing that I could bring back into my family since we had lost what my Great Grandmother had used to heal with, due to my Uncle not wanting to be initiated by Great Grandmother.

They just looked at me and said “We don’t know, we don’t really use it, we were all attuned by a temple member over a year ago …before you started coming.” I was astounded that a group of people professing to want to help the community heal and accept all types of people were this tight lipped. But no one offered the Reiki Teachers name and no one used the gift they had been given as I found out in a few months FOR FREE……yes Henria Whitedove Smith (now using the name Zavena Whitedove) had given the first attunement to any and all interest parties for Free…I asked why there never were any healings offered at the temple meetings and the officers and member ship just stared at me with that HOW DARE YOU QUESTION US LOOK. It seemed as if this group of people was truly afraid to share ANY KNOWLEDGE of any subject It was a way of giving back to her community and when we met she told me she had been waiting on me to contact her. It was funny really as I had to explain to Whitedove that no one had given out her name and all never even used it to do healings and I wanted to know more of Reiki and she gave me the title of a few books.

About a year latter I was attuned to Reiki 1 by Reiki Master Teacher Henria Whitedove Smith and about this time the temple I belonged to started a very ugly demise…..witch is too bad, even though I do not do the politically correct thing, I believe they could have done some good in the real world…………………

More to come……………………………………………………………………………………

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