Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Modern Reiki Method for Healing by HIROSHI DOI
ArtScott-RMT@ Reiki Confluence.com )
This is the first Reiki book by a Japanese Reiki Master to be translated in English. Apart from explanations of Reiki from a Japanese perspective, this version also contains additional on the origins of Reiki-ho and the original society created by its founder Mikao Usui.
(excerpt from back cover)
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Modern Reiki Method for Healing by HIROSHI DOI
This is the first Reiki book by a Japanese Reiki Master to be translated in English. Apart from explanations of Reiki from a Japanese perspective, this version also contains additional on the origins of Reiki-ho and the original society created by its founder Mikao Usui.
(excerpt from back cover)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
My Journey to Reiki.... Part 2
For the next 20 something years I read and practiced all I could on the subject of Witchcraft as a true religion. I read every type of book written by American authors and British authors…..I was hungry for information and so I looked for books written before the dawning of the age of Aquarius……I wanted old books, but for the part of the country I was / am in the availability of good, educational, truly informative books was almost nil. Until the internet made it possible for me to search more indepth than ever before.
By now we were over our heads in having to be politically correct and really informative books on Witchcraft were really hard to find…..it meant paying a premium for out of print books if you wanted the good books…..or you could buy books that were so overwrought with political correctness it would be hard to even do May Day with out being wrong in what you were doing……no longer were there references to working skyclad and many more things that our ancestors did in the name of their religion or to protect their family.
I was an active member of a wiccan …..but again it was all about being politically correct and NOT offending anyone especially a visitor……As I studied the differences between what I had learned of Witchcraft as opposed to Wiccan….I found big differences……and I did not care for those that called themselves Wiccan…..it was like someone serving you clear spring water and calling it strong ice tea…..never any homage to the horned God, very little mention of the Goddess…..watered down
As I was browsing the bookstores of books on Witchcraft and healing, I ran into a small section on Alternative Healing….this was mostly herbalism and massage…….but as I kept checking back finally I ran into something called Reiki.
At one of the temple celebrations I asked if anyone knew of Reiki and over half of the people attending said they were all attuned to Reiki 1……then I asked why no one had told me of this Reiki as everyone in the temple knew of my search for a way of healing that I could bring back into my family since we had lost what my Great Grandmother had used to heal with, due to my Uncle not wanting to be initiated by Great Grandmother.
They just looked at me and said “We don’t know, we don’t really use it, we were all attuned by a temple member over a year ago …before you started coming.” I was astounded that a group of people professing to want to help the community heal and accept all types of people were this tight lipped. But no one offered the Reiki Teachers name and no one used the gift they had been given as I found out in a few months FOR FREE……yes Henria Whitedove Smith (now using the name Zavena Whitedove) had given the first attunement to any and all interest parties for Free…I asked why there never were any healings offered at the temple meetings and the officers and member ship just stared at me with that HOW DARE YOU QUESTION US LOOK. It seemed as if this group of people was truly afraid to share ANY KNOWLEDGE of any subject It was a way of giving back to her community and when we met she told me she had been waiting on me to contact her. It was funny really as I had to explain to Whitedove that no one had given out her name and all never even used it to do healings and I wanted to know more of Reiki and she gave me the title of a few books.
About a year latter I was attuned to Reiki 1 by Reiki Master Teacher Henria Whitedove Smith and about this time the temple I belonged to started a very ugly demise…..witch is too bad, even though I do not do the politically correct thing, I believe they could have done some good in the real world…………………
More to come……………………………………………………………………………………
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
My Journey to Reiki.... Part 1
I had heard this story many times as a youngster and as I grew older I wanted to know more so my mother I guess you could say finally finished the story by telling me that Great Grand Mother wanted to pass the ability on and keep it in the family....so she told the eldest of her grand children, an uncle of mine, that she wanted to pass it on to him as it had been done for a very long time....female to eldest grandson.....male to eldest granddaughter......as she prepared to teach and initiate (for lack of a better term), my uncle questioned what a certain knife was for and Great Grand Mother with out hesitation said it was to let a little blood flow from your scrotum........Uncle screamed and said no one was cutting his sack for any reason.....end of family of healers.....the ability to heal died with Great Grand Mother.......so this was also the beginning of my search through various religions and such looking for modes of hands on healing.....that is when I realized I had been doing minor healings most of my life......You know the instant grab with one hand if you hurt yourself and for some reason the pain subsides....this is pain transference or Magnetic healing........
All Creatures have the ability to heal themselves but we have been conditioned to not do it so we can pay doctors and chemical medicine companies to fix us up........
One day I told my mother that I had been searching for ways of healing like great grand mother and the only thing I could find dealt with Witchcraft....spells and herbs and herbal spells......Was Great Grand Mother a Witch.......My mother never gave a straight answer....she would only tell me that her grand mother healed animals and it had to be kept secrete from the ministers and such...................But we are Baptists, she would tell me.
I even brought home a book on Witchcraft and she did not throw a fit as I had expected...Hmmm........then I also remember a certain Baptist preacher that would come to our home and work with my Dad on the farm....he even witched for water when the land was first purchased and told us to make sure no one at church knew what he did...Hmmmmmm........
I just kept searching and looking.....by now I was in High School and we had moved into the hills of Arkansas....so I went to a couple of Pentecostal church services and talked with the ministers....of course every minister I ever spoke to told me basically the same thing.....NO one can heal...only God or Jesus Christ.......this did not deter my searching.....when I entered college I spent time with all sorts of Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Christian Scientists, and a new thing called the Science of Mind (not actually a religion but a way of thought nor was it a cult)......but I had not found my answers and I decided that I would investigate the Witchcraft angle more closely......by now I was very disenchanted with Christianity.....I was so tired of preachers preaching one thing and doing what they preached against.......so I delved into Witchcraft like a starving person into a bowl of Chili...............
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Modern Reiki Method for Healing by HIROSHI DOI
This book has been out of print for a very long time and I have been able to get several copies after extensive search.......It sells for as much as $200.00 on Amazon, when it is available on there.....I am happy to announce that I will be selling my copies for $25.99 plus s/h USPS priority mail $9.95 to any where in the 50 states.
My copies should be arriving in approx 2 weeks and I only have 5 coming right now.
This is the first book written by a Japanese Reiki Master and translated into English. It gives a fantastic look at what Japanese Reiki is like.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
My first REIKI Client: Sadie Labrador
So I rushed her to the Emergency Animal Hospital. Now those nice folks at the EAH, let us sit around for a couple of hours and then took a few of their precious minutes to take a look at her and said they had no idea what was wrong. This was after running some blood tests and basically just sitting around for what I do not know......then told me I had to pay before I could leave with her to go to another vet. We had been at the EAH all night and it was getting close to 8AM which is when they closed.....said they took credit cards (which I don't use) and checks if I did not have cash.....I told them I would ahve to come back as I did not have my check book/wallet with me.....they reminded me the dog had to be removed before 8am and paid for befoer 8am and would not tell me what would happen if I wasn't back.....so I broke a few speed limit and driving laws to get home and back....paid over $400 and took her down the street to another vet that a friend of mine uses and has for many years......
He looked in her eyes, smelled her breath gently pulled out a handful of hair looked at the test results from the EAH and asked if they had given her any Vitamin K......I said no....why??????
Well that is the usual med givern for poisoning of a dog......How can you tell she was poisoned, I asked??? He explained the smell of the breath and other things and also his blood test showed sign of poisonsing in the toxicology............
I told him the whole story of the previous night with the people at the EAH and also told him that I had to write a bad check to just get my dog released. I was told to stay in the exam room with Sadie and he would be right back.
He came back and told me he was on the board of directors for the EAH and my check would not bounce and also my visit with him was free and that he was giving me a free prescription oif vitamin K...enuff to get me by to payday....I thanked him and took Sadie home to start the vitamin K......I soon found out that it was extremely expensive and while I could not afford it I had to do something......so I started Reiki....the Vit. K, while keeping her alive, she still had no energy or desire to do anyting but lay on my bed.......I was giving her 3 - 1 hr treatments a day, every day......then around the 5th day or so I woke up in a pool of sweat and felt her rubbing my feet with her back........she was slowly sliding across my feet.........I then realized that the sweat was from the Reiki Energy passing thru my body. It took less than 2 weeks and she was ready to hunt, play and run like and with the wind and she was also a REIKI ADDICT :-}} ......She didn't want me to just pet her anymore.....every day all day...anytime I was home she wanted REIKI.......she would slide under my hand and try to slide to get it to turn on and at night when I was asleep she would push against my feet and slide............then she realized it did not work like that as I turned it on one day.....I had her sit on the bed and I gave her REIKI ..... I turned it on and then when I was done I turned it off...so she could see that I had the switch (or key) for turning it on and off........the look in her eyes.....she was hurt.....about a month later she wouldn't let me give her Reiki at all.......she allows it for a minute or 2 and then moves away.......
So I guess if she really needs it she will let me know....at least I hope so.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
We come togther once a month on the 3rd Saturday, sometimes at the home of my Master Zavena Whitedove and other times in the parks or out at a nearby Lake. We like to stay as close to nature as possible. At Ms Whitedoves we will work outdoors as well as indoors.
To learn more about our group please visit us on line at: Central Plains Reiki Confluence.
CPRC is a YAHOO! group with in the Health groups.....just clik either of the links above to check us out.
The name Central Plains Reiki Confluence came about when we decided to leave the online Meet-Up bunch.......we wanted an identifier, a name.......so we took a poll for names and then started voting on them and 2 names came very close and we chose to combine the names into one: Central Plains Reiki+ Reiki Confluence=CPRC.......so Reiki Confluence was put in to the voting by me asour group come from a diverse background of both social and religous backgrounds......hence the confluence or coming together of various energies.
I call my on line business Reiki Confluence due to MY own dicerse background in religous studies and healing studies. How I got to Reiki is a story for another day though..............I have studied Reiki for several years and kept reading how Mikao Usui was a devout Buddhist and of his experience of fasting and mediatating on MT Kuriama near Kyoto Japan and so I went in search of Buddhis healing sutras and came face to face with the Medicine Buddha Sutra.........and so I began a new jopurney of learning and then took what is refered to as the Medicine Buddha Empowerment. But I felt nothing.......the empowerment ceremony was a fantastic experience ....but I had read tht during the empowerments you will feel the energies and may even have vsions.....so I was hoping for at least a feeling of the energy entering my body......Well I missed one important part of the lessons, the part where I should have asked "Do I need to be a Buddhist to receive the EMPOWERMENT??".........but I was excited to get to meet a real Tibetan Buddhist Lama......Lama Lobsang Palden from the Blue Beryl Dharma Center in Choicago.........after a couple of weeks I sent an email to ask various questions of Lama Lobsang and to my suprise the answer aboiut the empowerment was that it will not enter into a non Buddhist...........so i was somewhat unhappy about this and emailed Lama Lobsang again to find out when he would be back at the Rime Ctr in Kansas City, so that I would become Buddhist so the empowerments would be beneficial for me and my Reiki clients.
A few months later I took refuge in Buddha and the Medicine Buddha Empowerment and that experience was really fantastic.....all sort of electrical energy flowing around me engulfing me and entering thru my crown chakra and also entering theu my heart chakra......I had visons that I did not understand as I neither speak Tibetan or read any Kanji and I heard words in Tibetan and Japanese and saw lots of Japanese Knaji floating around and also the Reiki Symbols seemed to be re-entering my Third Eye Chakra...........I sat with folded legs longer than I have ever been able to do ever before and just allowed the energies to flow in and out of me freely....never having any feeling of worry of anything......it was simply fantastic.
So going from a "normal" REiki Master Teacher, Shinpiden if you will, to a Medicine Buddha Empowered Reiki Master Teacher, made me think of what should I call my online presence as I am now the confluence of 2 healing modalities.........and in a dream I was told to call it......REIKI CONFLUENCE.....so this blog and my soon to be up website are called Reiki Confluence due toi the various energies running thru my body and also due to the various religous studies I have run through my life.
Namaste.........Love and Light
Suggested Reiki Reading List
![]() | SUGGESTED REIKI READING LIST This is the reading list and how i suggest it to my students or prospective students, as I do not use a manual at this time...........This is by no means a compleat list and it will grow and change with time 1- REIKI FIRE by FA Petter...............>>>>>>>> 2- LEGACY OF DR. USUI by FA Petter.............>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3- REIKI ENERGY MEDICINE by L. Barnett, M. Chambers, S. Davidson.......... 4- EMPOWERMENT THROUGHT REIKI by P. Horan...............>>>>>>>...... 5- ABUNDANCE THROUGH REIKI by P. HoraN.........>>>>>>>>>>>..... 6- ULTIMATE REIKI TOUCH by P. Horan.............>>>>>>>>>>...... 7- ORIGINAL HANDBOOK by Mikao Usui and Frank Arjava Petter.......>>>..... 8- HAYASHI REIKI MANUAL by FA Petter, Tadeao Yamaguchi, Chujiro Hayashi 9- REIKI WITH GEMSTONES by Ursula Omenka-Klinger........>>>>>>....... 10- REIKI AND THE HEALING BUDDHA by M. Kelly.......>>>>>>>....... 11- SPIRIT OF REIKI by FA petter and w. Lubeck........>>>>>>.............. 12- MODERN REIKI METHODS FOR HEALING (a Japanese Book) by Hiroshi Doi |
Monday, July 7, 2008
New Product For Sale.....
This will help me to not have to work for another company while get both careers (Reiki Clinic and Photography Studio) up and going.......if nothing else I hope to beable to pay for my webhosting from it.......
You get a 14day FREE trial and also if you use the code posted in the side bar you will get $5.00 off the first year....and I will also send you a link for some MORE FREE GOODIES........
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
A Begining...........1st post
A tease of a little Reiki Education: Anyone can learn to do Reiki, even if that person is blind or handicapped in otherways.....if they have the ability to learn......then they can learn Reiki.
I am a destination Reiki Master Teacher, what this means is I am willing to travel to you to do healing sessions or teach a weekend course on Reiki. I will teach privately or do group classes.
If you are willing to sponsor a group class in your home I will work out a discount for you.
I may not be back for a while as I am currently working on my Website.....once it is live all will be much better and I will actually have a way to earn a living.